Some people are drawn to deep healing work because they know it is time to make fundamental changes in their lives. Others are drawn to this work because they have run out of options to function effectively in their lives. Although the healing process continues throughout life, therapy can assist you in getting started on this journey. I work extensively with the Myers-Briggs Type-Indicator (MBTI) and Enneagram personality typing systems to identify both a client’s core self (MBTI) and their defensive structure (Enneagram), and also incorporate Body Centered Gestalt Therapy and inner child work practices to therapy with clients.

Most therapy is centered around cognitive therapy or talk therapy. These types of therapy aim to look at a person’s thoughts around events in their life and point out errors in thinking, while also addressing behavior modification.
The limitation of this approach is that it does nothing to address the pain caused by wounding messages early in life – a necessary process for healing. When old emotional buttons get pushed, the defense system automatically looks for ways to protect you against pain. This system in the right side of the brain does not respond to reason.
Affective therapy operates by accessing this side of the brain -this is the place where these old wounding messages are stored. Many people try to avoid looking at pain left over from childhood by saying things like “it’s all behind me now, why look at the past” or “I need to just forgive and move on”.
The problem is that just because we want these feelings to go away, does not mean they will. They tend to manifest themselves in our present day lives and relationships in the form of addictions, compulsions, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, work-aholism, infidelity, smoking, eating disorders, illnesses, and more until we address and express them once and for all.

Places to get started

Kate Schroeder, LPC, LMHC, NCC
Kate is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, State qualified supervision eligible, as well as a Nationally Certified Counselor, who has over 25 years of professional experience working with children, adolescents, teenagers, adults, and families and focuses on working with adult survivors of childhood trauma, specializing in MBTI, Enneagram and experiential therapy.