Make an Appointment: (314) 761-5310 |


    There’s something that I need to tell you, your next adventure awaits!!!!!

    2021 promises to be a year of accelerated growth and I am here to share something exciting with you that I believe will transform your life in deeply powerful ways!

    Drumroll please……

    Starting in February 2021, I will be offering a bimonthly online Enneagram study group, via the video conferencing platform, ZOOM. This is an opportunity to join a learning group of like-minded people deeply committed to cultivating self-awareness, practicing self-observation, and developing transformational habits when it comes to applying the Enneagram in your relationships and life.

    We’ll explore topics ranging from themes such as essence versus personality/defensive structure, the triadic self, our energy bodies and the influence of the Enneagram, Hornevian groups emergence (strategies each type employes to get its needs met), instincts, and relationships, typological coping techniques (how each type defends against loss and disappointment), dynamics and variations, along with additional trips into somatics, body and breath practices, spirituality, chakra energy work, etc.

    I have found that regular meetings in a small, intimate group provide a unique opportunity for learning, personal sharing and support in applying the Enneagram to personal development and relationships. The Enneagram is most obvious and most present when in community and connection with others. Communal learning often enriches the experience because it allows us to grow in interpersonal awareness as well as self-awareness.

    All groups will be limited to 6 participants in order to create the most opportunity for intimate sharing, deep learning and accelerated growth in your understanding and application of the Enneagram system of personality typology.

    For more information, CLICK HERE. My goal is to create a safe space to do the powerful and tremendous work of transforming your life.

    Oh, and by the way, I’m excited to have you join me on the journey.

    Note: This study group is for intermediate and advanced students who are using the Enneagram for personal growth and are interested in exploring within a safe and supportive community. Advanced registration for full series only is required.

    *Note next study group series after this will start in August 2021

  • 8050 Watson Road, Suite 255, Saint Louis, MO 63119
    (314) 761-5310

    Request Appointment

  • A Website by Brighter Vision