This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart that I am sure you all as business owners and entrepreneurs can identify with.
As a small business owner and entrepreneur we wear all the hats. Especially if you are just getting started and it’s early in the game.
We are responsible for making sure everything gets done. We deal with copious amounts of work and projects for our business and have to shift gears ALL THE TIME.
As a business owner, there are things you are always thinking about such as personnel, marketing, finances, cyber security issues, legal issues, branding, messaging, networking, customer engagement…and so many more considerations.
You have to make sure you have covered all your bases.
And if we didn’t have enough on our minds already with running a business, there are a lot of adjustments required just by being alive right now in a pandemic.
Best laid plans don’t always work out like we think they will.
When you think about all of the basic day-to-day business operations you as a small business owner or entrepreneur are responsible for, that is more than enough to fill your day.
No wonder we feel so much stress sometimes with all that is on our minds?!
However, one thing I know to be absolutely 100% true, which I am seeing all over every industry right now is the importance of learning how to engage your team members and customers in a real, genuine and authentic way.
I know, we just talked about how much we have to do as business owners and the amount of stress we have and I’m adding something else to the mix of our daily lives.
Call me crazy, but hear me out…
Especially now, in times of crisis and stress, leading with empathy and genuinely engaging with your team and customers will give you the competitive edge in this day and age.
Small businesses going online is becoming more and more of a saturated market.
If you want to set yourself apart from all your competitors, think about the energy that you bring to everything that you do from your business to your teams to your everyday life.
In order for customers or team to find your engagement authentic, there are some things you should consider.
1. Build a community
What better way for your customers or team members to feel like they belong other than being part of a community? Whether it’s a Facebook Group for your customers to join, or a group chat message for your team members, find a space where communication and genuine conversation can take place. This builds connection.
2. Provide value to your product or service
Let your customers know about the value that they are getting out of your product or service. Your customers are more likely to get behind you and your business if they are offered real value and understand how this can enhance their efforts. Same goes for your team. Let your team know there is purpose and value behind the work they are doing. Be real, open and honest and serve others.
3. Keep the conversation going
Your business is not all about you. Yes, your business may be your baby and something you have built from the ground up. Yes, you should be proud of that! However, without your team or your customers, your business wouldn’t be the great success it is. Reply to your customers or team members. Ask them questions. Engage your community and listen to what they have to say. Getting to know who is involved with your business is a priority if you want to scale and grow as a business!
Okay, so I gave you 3 things to consider for engagement. Pretty doable, huh?
In this time of stress and constant transition, engagement will go much further for your small business than you might think.
Setting yourself apart as a business by taking time to engage with your customers and team will give you the competitive advantage you need in our online world.
Prioritizing engagement in your day-to-day just like you would marketing, finances, legal issues, etc. is the first step to more success.
Let’s schedule a time to talk about how you as a business owner or entrepreneur can engage those involved in your business during this time of stress.
Here’s To Your Success,