So…if you are considering bringing on internal team members to your business or if you are outsourcing, I want to be the first to say “congratulations”!
It’s so exciting when your business is successful enough that you need extra help. But, with that comes a little bit of a challenge. For many of us, our business is our baby.
There is that saying, “Entrepreneurs will work 100 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours for someone else.” When you’re SO passionate about your business, it can be extremely difficult to let go or hand off parts of it to others, even if it’s just a small task, like writing email newsletters.
In order to be a truly successful business owner, you need to learn how to trust others with your business, even if it seems difficult at first. I mean, I completely understand.
My business is my passion, and when you’re so involved in something from the beginning it almost seems like no one else in the world could do things the way you do them. But you are just one person – you cannot handle it all.
That is why finding the “rite” people to add to your team is so important!
When we talk about the “rite” type in the workplace, we are typically discussing how MBTI types have different preferences in the workplace and how these preferences play out. Another incredibly important consideration when growing your own business and looking to bring in additional help, is making sure that you find the “rite” person not just for the job, but also for your workplace culture and the interactions that take place.
Do you get along with the person? Is it a natural connection? Do they seem excited about your business? Does it seem like they will thrive in the environment and style you’ve created for your business?
While you should absolutely be assessing them on their skills and abilities, an interpersonal fit is just as important. While it’s not necessary to seek out a specific type, think about how closely you will be working with this person and whether or not you like being around them. It can be difficult to work with or trust another person if your work styles clash and naturally create a conflict.
These are some questions you can ask when considering to add someone to your team:
- What is your preferred work style, do you like things to be structured and scheduled or are you more “go with the flow?”
- How are you handling deadlines, do you wait until the last minute or like to get things done ahead of time?
- Do you prefer more communication when giving instructions, or can you interpret from vague ideas?
Now, I am by no means a hiring expert. But it is very important to ask these sorts of questions when considering adding someone to your team because if you prefer one way of doing things and they prefer the opposite, it is naturally going to cause conflict and reduce productivity on the job.
Handing off parts of your business to a stranger can be a big step. Taking a holistic and comprehensive approach to hiring will give you the tools to find someone that you can build trust with and that will help you succeed in your business ventures.
Here’s To Your Success,