(What strange times these are…!!!)
I can remember just a few days ago when the idea of having your therapist in your house was not only odd, strange and uncomfortable, but highly unethical as well!!!!
Well, folks…what strange times we are living in!!!!!
This is the new normal now… online mental health therapy through video and phone sessions.
I guess in some ways, this is one of the wonderful benefits to being such a technologically advanced society: we can maintain connection even in the midst of a pandemic sweeping the world.
Even better: we can still get the emotional help and support that we need, especially during trying times like these. (How cool is this!!!!)
I’ll admit: seeing my therapist by video each week is NOT the same as being with her in person. But you know what… it works!!!!!!! Every. Single. time.
I am undoubtedly amazed each time in session, when I experience an incredibly huge piece of growth or release around something painful- it really confirms the power of connection and how essential support (in any form) is if we are going to keep growing and healing.
Not to mention that by now, my therapist giggles at my bed-head with me each week. (Sometimes I put on a hat, sometimes I do not. Depends on the day.)
And here’s the best part: most days I do therapy in my pajamas with a sweatshirt for good measure. And a cup of coffee and a cat or two photo-bombing my sessions.
In fact, one of my cats has now officially earned the name “Therapy-Cat”. He just seems to know when to join me in my session at the exact time that I need more safety and comfort. It’s uncanny. (It’s really not though…animals are BRILLIANT!) Especially Gus.
Did I mention that my partner and I occasionally even do couples’ sessions by video with a therapist out of town…? We do and it is amazing!
It really is a delightful way to get what I need emotionally, when geographical distance (or a pandemic!!!) gets in the way of being together in person.
So to those of you who might be struggling with this adjustment to this new way of being in therapy: I hear you. It is different. It really is.
It’s going to take a little bit of time to adjust to this new way of being together. I want to invite you, though, to give it a shot.
If there are ways that I can support you during this adjustment, reach out. I’m only a phone call away.
Video sessions are a powerful way to connect with others, especially your therapist, when we are being required to social distance, quarantine and “shelter-in-place”.
Again, I want to let you know: I’m still me. I’m still with you. I will just be with you in therapy via remote, online sessions.
Oh, and if you’re lucky, Gus will join too. He’s a pretty wise cat.
I am grateful that you are a part of my community and am here to support you however I can.
I’ll see you online!!!