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    Ever tried to switch out a kitchen faucet with a crescent wrench…? Uh, yea. I have. It’s not pretty.

    I should explain…let me backup.

    Sometimes, in my free time, I’ve been known to play around with plumbing. Actually, I like to think I’m pretty good at it.


    I have swapped out kitchen sink faucets, repaired outdoor water shut off valves, and even have ran new water lines, while fixing leaky washing machine shut off valves.

    One time, check this out: I actually helped a plumber sweat some pipes with a blow torch and everything. I’m pretty sure I could do this in a pinch if had to

    I don’t actually remember when I started doing this but I’m the kinda gal that does not let too much grass grow under my feet.

    If there’s a problem, I figure out how to fix it.

    So when there’s a minor plumbing issue like a leaky faucet, I’m the go-to gal in the house. (Sometimes the neighborhood!)

    Anyway- the one thing that I have learned with plumbing is that there are specific tools for specific jobs.

    If you need to switch out a kitchen faucet, you HAVE to have the tools to do the job; otherwise, it takes you 10x as long and a whole lot of banging and cussing- if you’re lucky to get the job done at all.

    This is true in life and work as well.

    When the “rite type” of person is in the “rite type” of work, it really does become a thing of beauty to watch them hit their stride and get into a flow. They just get things done.


    It all starts with people.

    Matching people up with the “rite type” of work allows them to find the “flow” more often, which in turn leads to more creativity and greater productivity overall.

    Learning more about the people on your teams and what makes them tick, is the number-one way to create profound and significant gains overall.

    Matching people with tasks will allow you to maximize your teams and accelerate results.

    And the really wonderful thing about all of this is that it doesn’t cost you any extra in time, money or energy. It’s just tweaking the processes you use now to create and build your teams.

    Here’s the simple truth: it really does all start with people. Not everyone can do every job, but there is a job for everyone.

    In this new age of remote and online work, “business as usual” isn’t going to cut it anymore.

    It’s time to rethink the traditional approach to working with people and teams and get on board with what really works.

    And that’s what I am here to help you do: find your own unique way to maximize your teams and accelerate your results.

    If you’d like to chat more about this and how I can get you there, let’s talk.

    I am grateful that you are a part of my community and I am here to support you however I can.

    Oh, and while you’re here, can you please pass me the basin wrench???


    Stay safe and be well.

    Yours in Innovation,

  • 8050 Watson Road, Suite 255, Saint Louis, MO 63119
    (314) 761-5310

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