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    There aren’t many things more anxiety-inducing than not getting along with someone in the workplace.

    We’ve all been there…You and a co-worker don’t quite mesh well together, but you each play instrumental roles on the team.

    You don’t enjoy the tension during team meetings, but you desperately don’t want conflict to mess with your professional life either.

    It’s an all-around uncomfortable situation to be in.

    But it’s also something that’s difficult to avoid when we often interact with so many different people over the course of our careers. There’s bound to be some sort of conflict along the way.

    But what causes work conflict? Is it the competitive environment? Is it the workload that pushes people over the edge?

    There are certainly all kinds of reasons; however, the lasting, pervasive, and most stressful causes have to do with the inside world rather than the specifics or details of the outside world.

    I like to call it an inside job.


    Well what does that mean? Does it mean that you let your emotions or inner feelings strongly affect your work?

    No, not necessarily.

    It’s more about how we approach our work in alignment with our personality types. It means that these long-lasting, deep-rooted conflicts at work are often caused by differing Myers-Briggs types.


    An example of MBTI types causing work conflicts could be a Sensing boss and an Intuitive worker.

    Sensing boss may prefer his employees to be linear and work off of agendas with a clear plan and process.

    However, as an Intuitive employee, you tend to think more generally and “out of the box”. Working off of agendas is just not how you get your work done.

    This conflict is focused around what your boss wants you to do and what they think is most important versus what you believe is the right way to do things.

    A clash of styles. And guess who wins most every time? (This is EXACTLY how power issues can also interfere with morale and productivity too.)

    Another example is the differences between Introverts and Extroverts.
    Their productivity levels may vary drastically based on the actual physical environment.

    Introverts tend to need their own space to focus and concentrate. Alternatively, Extroverts often work well in a communal environment with the opportunity to bounce ideas around.

    And then consider this: some employees may be Thinkers and others, Feelers. Working as a team, Thinkers may not care as much about the harmony of the environment. Their priority is to get the work done.

    Feelers, on the other hand, want to get the work done, but prefer to have everyone involved. Have you ever experienced a situation like this?


    You may not have realized at the time, but it was quite likely attributable to differing MBTI personality types. And easily fixable using type as well.

    Who’d have thought?!

    I am personally a Feeler when it comes to workplace relationships.

    I really value a coach or a mentor that is interested in relationships and me as a person. If the relationship is not there from my coach or mentor, it doesn’t matter how qualfied they are, I will find other resources that best fit the values that feed me. That’s just how it works for me.

    So here’s the thing…

    There will always be differing personalities at work.

    It’s what gives our world such vibrancy and makes each workplace different than the next. It’s in the acknowledgment of this that we can really make a difference with improving overall company culture.

    Interested in learning more?

    Schedule a time with me to find out more about how to best deal with your workplace conflicts. Understanding MBTI types truly makes all the difference!

    Yours in Innovation,

  • 8050 Watson Road, Suite 255, Saint Louis, MO 63119
    (314) 761-5310

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