Hi everybody! I wanted to share a little bit with you about some upcoming changes that are happening in my business and in my life.
Like many of you, I’m experiencing ZOOM “fatigue” and am continuously finding ways to cope with this.
I realized the other day that I spent 75% of my waking hours engaged in some kind of screen activity or another. And it’s taking its toll in many ways.
Yet, because virtual contact is the safest way to connect with others these days and because I firmly believe that “some” contact being better than “no” contact, I remain fully committed to finding ways to stay engaged virtually with others.
If my options are “disconnection and isolation” versus “virtual connection and contact”, I’ll stay connected virtually over feeling isolated.
What some of you might find interesting is that even though I am an introvert and love my alone time to recharge, I am also a feeler and get energized by deep and meaningful connection with others.
So, I am finding that since my reserves run out more quickly due to all the computer and screen time and virtual connecting with others, I don’t have as much left over when my days are done.
The one thing that this pandemic and all my “Zoom fatigue” has caused me to do is to reflect more deeply on where I am putting my time and energy so as to be more intentional with my efforts.
And what I have remembered about myself is that I want to “do less” while “showing up more”.
So, what does this mean?
First of all, I’m going to be sending out less emails. You might get an occasional email here or there from me when something really juicy needs to be shared, but overall, I’m going to roll back the amount of emails to once or twice a month.
As far as my social media posts and efforts, I’m going to reduce the number of platforms that I post to and again, follow the “less is more” equation. I’ll still do videos and Facebook lives, but the frequency is going to change.
For the meantime though, I’m going to close all my Facebook groups and just focus on my business page and email list until I get more clear on how I want to move forward with a facebook group down the road.
My Facebook business page is where I’ll post videos and Facebook “lives” and such, just so you know.
Less is more you know?
Two and a half years ago, I dove into the “online” swimming pool and began to build an online presence.
The promise that I made to myself two and a half years ago was that I would dive whole heartedly in these efforts, learn what I could, experience what opportunities came my way and experiment with building an online presence to see what I could learn in order to help me get more clear about how to move forward.
Go all in. 150%.
And then when my time was up, I’d pull back, re-evaluate and reflect on these experiences and use them to guide me in my next steps.
And that time is now.
I’m excited to change some things up and refocus on what feels really important and essential right now: supporting myself and others through my work that I do in my therapy practice and business.
In order to provide the level of care and fidelity that I want to bring to my work, I’m going to do less so that I can show up more.
That said, I’m not disappearing entirely from the online scene.
I’ll be around, just in a more refined, substantial and clear way.
In the meantime, in order to not miss out on any of the really “good stuff”, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve “liked” and follow my Facebook business page.
I also encourage you to sign up for my email newsletter if you haven’t yet.
This will ensure that you stay informed about any upcoming events, programs, offerings or free supports that I continue to create and share.
To sign up, you’ll have to go to my website, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your email to sign up if you haven’t yet.
Bottom line is, what I really hope that you take away from this today is how much I really appreciate each and every one of you.
YOU are what makes this community great.
I appreciate all the participation in my Facebook groups and my virtual summits, reading my newsletter and responding. I just love all the personal comments I get back from you all in my email. A big thanks to those of you who read and share my, blog posts, emails and so on.
I plan to continue to do these things, just in a much more scaled back and focused approach. Less is more.
I’m focused on scaling back what I do so I can be more present in what I choose to do.
So, stay tuned. There’s lots more to come.
Stay safe and be well.